How It Works
There are six ways that a staff member, contractor or other concerned stakeholder can contact the Marriott Whistleblower Service:
Make a Disclosure to the Marriott Whistleblower Service through this website
You can use the secure web form that is a part of this website to make a disclosure to the Marriott Whistleblower Service.
Contact the Marriott Whistleblower Service via free App
Search for STOPline in the iTunes App Store or Google Play to download the free app and submit a disclosure.
To report suspected misconduct by telephone, simply call:
1300 30 45 50 (Australia only) +61 3 9811 3275 (overseas – reverse charges)
You will be connected to an experienced interviewer who will ask you some questions about the conduct.
You can remain anonymous if you wish. There is no need to reveal your identity unless you choose to do so.
Once your call is taken, the disclosure will be reviewed and reported back to a dedicated representative at Marriott who will then decide what action to take about the report.
Contact the Marriott Whistleblower Service via fax
Send the fax to:
Attention Marriott Case Manager
c/o The STOPline
+61 3 9882 4480
You will need to include as much information as possible about the suspected misconduct in the documentation that you fax to us.
Contact the Marriott Whistleblower Service via e-mail
Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to: [email protected]
You will need to include as much information as possible about the suspected misconduct in the e-mail. While the Marriott Whistleblower Service will not provide your email address to your employer without your consent, your identity and e-mail may not be secure or confidential as e-mail records are often accessible by others including your employer.
Contact the Marriott Whistleblower Service by mail
You can also send a letter to:
Marriott Case Manager
c/o The STOPline,
You will need to include as much information as possible about the suspected misconduct in the documentation that you mail to us.
What happens next?
It does not matter how a concern is raised, once it reaches the experienced staff at STOPline, it is assessed by an experienced forensic investigator and the report is forwarded to the Marriott Disclosure Coordinator who will also assess the disclosure and determine next steps in accordance with Marriott policies and procedures.
Each disclosure receives its own Unique Reference Number and even if the person making the disclosure prefers to remain anonymous, we encourage them to contact STOPline at regular intervals (we suggest each 2 weeks) to find out how their matter is progressing. STOPline staff will not divulge any information relating to a disclosure unless the person is able to provide sufficient information to identify them as the person who initially made the disclosure.
This process also assists if the Marriott investigator appointed to oversee the matter has further queries to be put to the person making the disclosure – STOPline is able to facilitate questions and answers between the investigator and the person making the disclosure while protecting anonymity.
When the investigation is concluded, STOPline will be informed about the outcome and that finding will be recorded on our system.